Demonstrations & lectures

Demonstrations & lectures

Inspiration and sharing knowledge

Laat je inspireren en verdiep je kennis door middel van unieke demonstraties en boeiende lezingen. Ik deel graag mijn passie en inzichten met anderen, zodat zij met een frisse blik en nieuwe motivatie naar hun paarden kunnen kijken.

Inspiring and educational

Book me at your stable or event for a demonstration focusing on the magic between human and horse. With my own horses or in cooperation with students, I show how training based on understanding and respect leads to extraordinary results.

Lectures: Enrich your knowledge

With in-depth knowledge and years of experience, I share valuable insights about human, horse and their cooperation during lectures. A lecture can take place at your stable or event and is fully tailored to the chosen topic.

Each lecture combines clear explanations, practical examples and inspiring stories to bring theory to life.

Practical information

Do you want to organise a demonstration or lecture? Contact me for more information and pricing. Together we will turn it into an unforgettable experience!

Do you also want to learn to train this way?

Discover the Academic Journey and embark on a journey towards deeper connection and harmony with your horse.