About Me

My philosophy

‘You shouldn’t believe me,’ is something I always jokingly say but absolutely mean. That is why I always substantiate my approach. If something cannot be logically explained, it may be that we don’t fully understand it yet, or it may simply not be true. When someone claims something, I like to know the why – what is the story behind it? My strength lies in building a clear and correct story, and I will do the same for you.

The common thread in my training approach towards your dream:

My dream: making man and horse dance in harmony

Dancing together with your horse often seems like a distant dream. What I often see is that miscommunication between human and horse arises because we do not fully understand situations. The core of this goes deeper - it starts with connection. To truly connect with another being, we must first understand what it takes to do so. If you want to reach your horse, it starts with being in connection with yourself. Knowing who you are, what your emotions are, and how you move are essential steps to being able to approach and understand another being.

My goal is to create a world where the horse is finally truly understood.

Dancing together with your horse

Being connected to your horse goes beyond simply bonding; it also includes a physical development in which the horse follows the human's movements. In this dance, all natural, dressage exercises are used to allow the horse to shine in its full power and emotions.

The horse as a healthy family member

Horses are much more than a hobby; they are part of our family. Therefore, it is important to make sure your horse is both happy and healthy. Without comfortable living conditions and proper care, this is impossible to achieve. The physical impact of the work we do also requires attention to the horse's health and fitness. Dressage exercises help with this, keeping your horse healthy and strong.

The end result:

Do you also want to learn to train this way? Then discover more about The Academic Journey and embark on a journey towards a deeper connection and harmony with your horse.

My story to my dream

The road to your dream begins here-and mine began with a dream.

To have your journey guided by me, it is natural to wonder if I am the right guide to do so. So let me take you through my story so you can discover what drives me and whether my approach is the right fit for you.

Close to the core

Born among horses, but raised far from the traditional horse world, I have always tried to stay true to the essence: why we work with and value horses. For me, that was simply enjoying the time we have together, without pressure or expectations. Always natural and without obligation.

One inspiring video

A story often begins with a dream. Sometimes it is imagination, creativity, or just thinking outside the box that shapes that dream. For me, it was that one video on Facebook that brought my vision to life. A harmonious interplay between man and horse in complex, sophisticated dressage exercises-they moved as one, full of power and pride, as if they were dancing. That was my dream, although I had never been able to fully name it until then. Suddenly I saw exactly what I had always wanted.

From dream to way of life

A bigger dream than I had ever dared to imagine. It was time to make my desire a reality. Through some online searching, I discovered academic horsemanship: an approach that allows horse and trainer to grow and blossom into their most complete selves. Here it is not about exercises as a goal, but as the journey to harmony.

It was my life, my choice. I decided to fully immerse myself in this special world.

From intuition to expert by experience

Sensing horses has always been a talent of mine, but now I knew how to apply it much more consciously. People around me soon noticed how my horse Trueno changed as ‘unruly’ to the dream I envisioned; they saw the change and asked me for help.

‘Problem horses’ or misunderstood horses?

I started mentoring others, and suddenly my learning kicked into a higher gear. I worked with many so-called ‘problem horses’ and soon discovered that they were usually not problem horses, but horses that were not understood. The results I achieved with the owners impressed and amazed them.

Dressage as an expression of emotion

The harmony between man and horse was important to me, but my dream went further. I wanted to learn to dance together with the horse: a dance in which both horse and trainer are in their full power. Riding as an expression of mutual respect and love. I use dressage to strengthen and balance the horse physically and mentally – the way to a strong and healthy horse.

From expert by experience to professional instructor

My dream grew and took shape. I wanted to share my passion with the world. I developed further and grew into a professional instructor for humans and horses. Today, I coach students on every continent-from Europe and Canada to Australia and America.

Certified trainer in academic horsemanship

With pride and respect, I carry the philosophy of academic horsemanship. I am one of the official trainers recognised by Bent Branderup.

Extraordinary how one video triggered such a profound change and brought me to where I am today .

My strengths in guiding you towards your dream

  • A calm, natural and sincere energy
  • A deep trust in your dream, often even more than you feel yourself
  • Full support during every moment of your journey
  • Attention to you and your horse, attuned to the smallest details to find the real cause of obstacles
  • A focus on preserving the unique soul of man and horse, to become the best version together
  • A clear, step-by-step system despite its complexity
  • A safe learning environment in which you feel heard and not judged

Stay tuned for more on my story

Journey with me on my journey as I share inspiring insights and experiences with you.

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